
The cabinet

Find out more about our cabinet.

The leader appoints the cabinet, including a deputy leader and up to 10 councillors. Each holds a special portfolio of responsibility. Cabinet meetings are open to the public.

The cabinet's job includes:

  • providing community leadership across Southwark
  • leading the community planning process and searching for the best value
  • encouraging input and advice from overview and scrutiny committees, community councils and any other appropriate people or organisations to planning matters
  • drafting the budget and policy framework for approval by the council assembly
  • deciding on resources and priorities with others in the local community, and to deliver the budget and policies approved by the council
  • overseeing our services
  • consulting on our policy framework, other key strategic documents and key decisions
  • forming partnerships with local public, private, voluntary and community sector organisations to address local needs

The forward plan

A forward plan is prepared for the leader. It contains details of all key decisions to be taken by the cabinet, individual cabinet members and chief officers.

The plan is prepared monthly and published throughout the year. It contains details of key decisions to be made in the year ahead.

Review of cabinet decisions

The cabinet makes a decision. The overview and scrutiny committee can review it within 5 days. This is known as a call-in.

Decisions may only be called in in certain instances, for example, where it's believed there was inadequate consultation or a decision breaches human rights.

The chair or vice chair and 3 other members can request a decision to be called in. It cannot be implemented until the committee has considered it.

The committee can recommend a change. Or, they can say a decision must be reconsidered.

View call in meetings

Questions to the cabinet

Anyone living or working in Southwark can ask questions at the council assembly or cabinet meetings.

Frequency and location of meetings

The cabinet meets on average once a month, but it does not meet in August. The meetings are usually held at 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH.