Pensions: schools and admitted bodies
The responsibilities of schools and admitted bodies as employers when administering LGPS.
Schools and admitted bodies have responsibilities as employers when administering Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). These are set out and explained in the Southwark Pension Fund employer guide.
Aon has been appointed as actuary to the pension fund, to provide actuarial advice about the fund. Employers participating in the fund can also ask Aon for advice on liabilities or general pension matters. Aon manages conflicts of interest when administering the Southwark Pension Fund.
Schools and admitted bodies must use the i-Connect system. They must upload non-teaching staff pay data each month.
The following guides are available:
- Supplementary guide for i-Connect online returns
- i-Connect payroll extract file specification
- LGPS employer training slides
i-Connect user guide for employers:
- i-Connect onboarding guide
- i-Connect reporting guide
- i-Connect login guide
- i-Connect file upload guide
- i-Connect online return guide
We held training for schools and admitted bodies in 2017: