Corporate data privacy notice
Overview of data processing, data subject rights and information complaints.
Data Protection Officer
In accordance with data protection legislation, the council has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO). It is the responsibility of the DPO to:
- ensure that the council is compliant with data protection legislation
- investigate and report any breaches to the Information Commissioner’s Office in a timely manner
- ensure that data subjects’ rights are upheld
- provide advice and guidance on data protection matters
- review and scrutinise data sharing across the council and its partners
- review and implement data protection impact assessments
- provide data protection training to all members of staff
Southwark Council’s DPO is Doreen Forrester-Brown.
If you're concerned about how the council is using your personal information, contact our Data Protection Officer by:
- emailing
- mailing a letter to: Data Protection Officer, 2nd floor Hub 1, Southwark Council PO Box 64529, London, SE1P 5LX
- phoning 0207 525 5000