

How you can report concerns about unlawful conduct or danger if you work for Southwark council.

If you work for the council and have concerns about something that is happening at work, it is important that you know how to bring it to the council’s attention.

You may be worried about:

  • someone’s unlawful conduct
  • financial malpractice 
  • a danger to the public or the environment

It is important to us that you are not worried about raising such issues and do not feel that reporting them is either not your business or would be disloyal to colleagues, managers or to the organisation. 

Our Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure lets you  raise concerns in an appropriate way. 

The term 'worker' broadly includes:

  • employees
  • independent contractors
  • agency workers
  • trainees 
  • a person who is or was subject to a contract to undertake work or services for the council