
Register to vote

You must be listed on the electoral register in order to vote in elections or referendums. Find out how to register, or check if you're registered.

You do not have to vote in any election, but if you are eligible to vote and want to vote in an upcoming election then you must be on the electoral register. You need to apply to join. Paying Council Tax does not automatically add you to the register.

Register to vote

You can get help registering to vote at a local library.

Check you are registered to vote

To find out if you are already registered to vote, call 020 7525 7373.

You can also inspect the electoral register in person.

Get confirmation that you've registered

Email with your full name and address to request a written confirmation of your registration.

Register to vote in special circumstances

Get advice if you're:

If you live overseas

You must renew your declaration that you're an overseas voter every three years. We will contact you to renew your registration around three months before your renewal date.

Read more about voting if you live overseas.

If you're an EU citizen

If you're an EU citizen you may be able to register, vote or stand for election in England, but only in certain circumstances. Read about the rules.

If you meet the criteria to register to vote as an EU citizen, we will contact you to confirm your continued eligibility.