Artificial intelligence

As part of our technology and digital strategy, Southwark is embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Generative AI, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to enhance efficiency, improve resident experiences, and streamline operations. Whilst doing this, ethics and data security remain paramount considerations.

AI for enhanced service delivery

By leveraging AI algorithms, the council aims to analyse vast amounts of data to identify trends, predict demand, and personalise services for residents. For instance, AI-powered chatbots can provide instant responses to queries, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks while ensuring round-the-clock accessibility.

AI driven analytics can be used to enable the council to make data-informed decisions, leading to resource optimisation and cost savings. AI algorithms offer insights that empower the council to allocate resources efficiently and proactively address community needs.

Generative AI: fostering creativity and innovation

As part of Well-Run Council, Generative AI has the potential of transforming operations and service delivery. One significant application lies in content generation, where AI algorithms can produce reports, memos, and other administrative documents swiftly and accurately. By automating repetitive analytical tasks, Generative AI enables faster and more informed decision-making processes, ultimately leading to more effective governance and service provision.

Southwark Council understands the potential benefits of generative AI tools, such as Chat GPT and Microsoft Co-Pilot. We will look to explore these safely through the development of guidance for staff and series of pilot projects that will analyse the benefits and risks of wider rollout and usage.

RPA: streamlining operations with efficiency

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a priority to streamline administrative processes and enhance operational efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, and form submissions, RPA releases staff from routine duties, allowing them to focus on value-added activities that require human judgment and creativity.

Furthermore, RPA ensures accuracy and consistency in data processing, mitigating the risk of human error. However, Southwark Council remains mindful of the ethical implications of automation, particularly concerning potential job displacement. To address these concerns, the council is committed to upskilling and reskilling its workforce, ensuring that employees are equipped with the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly automated environment.

Ethics and data security: upholding resident trust

As Southwark Council embraces AI, Generative AI, and RPA, it remains committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and safeguarding resident data. The council prioritises transparency and accountability in its use of AI, ensuring that algorithms are fair, unbiased, and free from discrimination. Additionally, robust data security measures are implemented to protect sensitive information and mitigate the risk of cyber threats.

By embracing these technologies while upholding ethical principles and ensuring data security, the council aims to deliver efficient services to its residents while building trust and fostering inclusive growth in the community.

Next: cyber security

Page last updated: 08 May 2024


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