
Burial and cremation records

You can search Southwark's burial and cremation records online.

These records may be of interest if you are:

  • finding out more about your own family tree
  • performing genealogical research
  • looking into the history of people in Southwark

We are happy to help with genealogical or family history searches. Our team can carry out a search on your behalf for a fee. For further information, email us at

Search online

We have partnered with Deceased Online to provide:

  • digital copies of burial and cremation registers
  • electronic records of burials and cremations (when registers are not present)
  • information about individuals in each grave
  • maps showing grave locations

We have about 770,000 searchable online records. You can search through these for free. If you locate a document you need, there is a fee to download or print it.

Deceased Online also has records for other London boroughs and UK locations. Find out more by visiting the Deceased Online website.

Visiting a burial site

You may wish to visit a burial site once you have found burial or cremation records. Find out more about these locations on our Southwark cemeteries and crematorium page.

Some of our cemeteries accommodate areas of conservation, which may present difficulties in access and possibly unforeseen dangers. Often this will require a risk assessment based on the individual needs.

In some cases we may be able to create a path for access. This is on assessment and charged at the hourly rate.

If you cannot visit yourself or it is unsafe for you to access, we offer a digital service with a printed or emailed photograph of the specific location for a fee.

For further information, email us at