Pay for a care home
If you move to a care home we'll carry out a financial assessment to work out if you need to pay for your care home costs or if you can get financial support.
If your savings and assets are:
- less than £23,250, you can get support to help pay for your care
- more than £23,250, you will have to pay for all of your care
You will need to speak to your social worker to find out about your care home costs.
If you go into hospital you will still need to pay your contribution towards the cost of your care home for the first 6 weeks.
Ways to pay for your care
There are different ways you can fund your care. You could:
- use savings and/or income from investments
- rent your property
- sell your property
- check if you’re eligible for deferred payment
- purchase an insurance policy that pays for your care
We recommend you seek independent financial advice before making a decision.