Back Safeguarding adults If an adult is in immediate danger call 999. Report abuse or neglect of an adult Find out about the different forms of abuse and neglect and what to do if you think an adult is at risk. Domestic abuse support Recognise signs of domestic abuse and get help if you or anyone you know is experiencing it. How we safeguard adults Find out about our safeguarding arrangements and how we protect adults at risk. Deprivation of liberty safeguards Find out when and how someone who lacks capacity can have their freedom taken away.
Report abuse or neglect of an adult Find out about the different forms of abuse and neglect and what to do if you think an adult is at risk.
Domestic abuse support Recognise signs of domestic abuse and get help if you or anyone you know is experiencing it.
How we safeguard adults Find out about our safeguarding arrangements and how we protect adults at risk.