
Workspaces to rent

Find council-owned commercial properties to rent or temporary venues for your business.

We rent out a range of commercial property:

Workspace provider list 

Demand for workspaces in Southwark is high. 

New developments in the borough must provide discounted space for start-ups and micro businesses.

This will support growth in our neighbourhoods and town centres. 

Workspaces are often managed by workspace providers offering:

  • a well-managed workspace

  • business support

  • support for skills and growth and development

Our workspace provider list helps developers in Southwark consider the type of provider they could work with.

The providers are assessed on their:

  • experience in providing managed workspace
  • support provided to tenants
  • ability to add local value

Download the workspace provider list.

Getting on the workspace provider list

If you’re a workspace provider and want to know more about the next round of applications email