
Film classification

Films that are to be shown to a public audience must be given a classification rating.

You may need to apply if you want to show unrated films at your licensed venue. They would need to add a film classification to your existing premises licence or club premises certificate.

What films need to be classified

If you want to show a film already rated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), you do not need to contact us.

If the film isn’t rated by the BBFC we will need to classify it, even if it has been classified elsewhere. 

The rules cover all moving pictures, such as:

  • feature films
  • adverts
  • trailers
  • video showings
  • non-live digital screenings of visual media like plays, operas, and concerts

You don’t need to apply for:

  • exhibitions forming part of a museum or art gallery display
  • films demonstrating a product
  • advertisements for goods or services
  • films that provide information, education or instruction

Apply for film classification

Apply at least 28 days before the planned showing. We can tell you about any age restrictions for it.

Apply for film classification


  • £53 for films up to 30 minutes long
  • £24 for each additional 20 minutes duration

How we classify films

We use the BBFC's ratings and advice as a benchmark. Learn more about film classification on the BBFC website.