
Trading standards inspections and enforcement

How trading standards inspections work, your rights during an inspection and what happens if you’re not following the rules.

Your rights during an inspection

During an inspection you have the right to:

  • ask for a written explanation of what, when and why you need to do something they’ve advised
  • ask if it’s a legal requirement or a recommendation
  • ask for a written explanation why any immediate enforcement action was needed
  • be told of any appeals mechanisms available to you 
  • a receipt for any items seized
  • information on how you can access or photograph seized items and how compensation could be paid if it is found that you did not break the rules

You have the right to be told about:

  • test results of items taken away
  • any opportunity to test them yourself

If an enforcement action is taken or proposed, you have the right to have your point of view heard. You can propose an alternative action and you have the right for this to be discussed, as long as the alternative is as effective as the original proposed action.