
What the trading standards team does

Southwark's trading standards team is responsible for protecting consumers and businesses by ensuring a fair and safe trading environment.

We want to support a vibrant prosperous Southwark where:

  • legitimate enterprise can thrive 

  • consumers can have confidence in the goods and services they buy

We are part of the council's regulatory services, all working towards Southwark's Fairer, Greener, Safer priorities and commitments. These are set out in the council's delivery plan.

Our priorities are:

  • doorstep crime, scams and unfair trading - protecting vulnerable consumers from the fraudulent and financially abusive activities of rogue traders
  • illegal economy - combatting the trade in unsafe, illicit and counterfeit products
  • age-restricted products - protecting the health and wellbeing of young people by ensuring underage children are not sold age-restricted goods and services
  • rented housing - working with regulatory partners against rogue landlords and letting agents

Other work includes:

  • compliance advice for local businesses
  • enforcing weights and measures law and animal feed standards
  • acting as the responsible authority for Licensing Act 2003 duties
  • financial investigations and confiscation orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act