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Southwark managed move protocol - best practice

Keeping pupil registers

During the managed move, the child remains on roll at the home school and the proposed school registers the child in effect resulting in a dual registration.  On the day after the final review, if it has been agreed that the managed move has been successful, the child becomes solely registered at the proposed school and removed from the roll of the home school. The EIT manager will be able to advise further on using accurate codes if necessary.

Before a managed move is considered the home school needs to ensure SEN and any unmet needs of the child have been assessed. Would the home school finance SEN in the proposed school?

Managed moves and SEN

When a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and is at risk of exclusion, prior to approaching the head teacher of another school, the home school should request an emergency ECHP review with the child’s parents, an education psychologist and the SEND caseworker to discuss how a managed move might work, in keeping with stage two inclusion procedures – preventing permanent exclusion – set out above. The SEN coordinator for the school will also be able to offer advice in this area. Any transport implications need to be taken into consideration as part of this decision.

The proposed school must be able to provide suitable, full-time education, appropriate to the special educational needs as set out on the child’s EHCP. Any additional support identified through the child’s EHCP will need to be transferred to the proposed school from the home school’s SEN allocation. This should be agreed prior to the initial managed move meeting.

If the managed move is successful, an interim review of the ECHP will need to take place. This could happen at the 4 week review meeting. This will provide the necessary information for the LA to consult formally with the receiving school and amend the EHCP to name the new school as the sole registered base.

Any managed move from a special school must be discussed with the SEN casework officer as part of the initial discussion before any formal meeting is held.

Page last updated: 16 January 2023


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