
Out of school care in Southwark

Find after-school clubs, breakfast clubs and holiday play schemes in Southwark.

Safety and Ofsted

Ofsted sets standards in education and children's services and inspects services that are required to register with them.

After school care up to aged 8

Clubs that provide after-school care must register with Ofsted and have regular inspections if they:

  • are open for over 2 hours
  • take children under 8

Ofsted checks that the:

  • staff are suitable to look after children
  • premises are safe and suitable for children

At least half of the staff at the clubs must be trained or qualified. 

There are rules on how many staff there must be. The rules depend on the number and the ages of the children being cared for.

The club should display their Ofsted registration and inspection certificate. You can ask to see their most recent Ofsted report.

From aged 8

Clubs and holiday play schemes for 8-year-olds and over do not have to register with Ofsted. They can choose to join the voluntary part of Ofsted's childcare register.

Many clubs will be 'quality assured' by a scheme the government recognises.

If registered, play workers and at least half of the staff will be trained or qualified.

Find out more about how Ofsted inspects after-school clubs.