Back Adoption, fostering and special guardians Adoption Find out about Adopt London South, the adoption service in Southwark. Information about adoption events and who to contact. Fostering About fostering with Southwark Council and how to apply. Find out more at our fostering information sessions. Our foster care stories. Private fostering You must tell the council if you foster privately. Find out about other responsibilities. Information for young people who are privately fostered. Special guardians You can apply to be a child’s special guardian when they cannot live with their birth parents and adoption is not right for them.
Adoption Find out about Adopt London South, the adoption service in Southwark. Information about adoption events and who to contact.
Private fostering You must tell the council if you foster privately. Find out about other responsibilities. Information for young people who are privately fostered.
Special guardians You can apply to be a child’s special guardian when they cannot live with their birth parents and adoption is not right for them.