Childcare sufficiency assessment report
The council has a duty to make sure there's enough childcare in Southwark. Read our childcare sufficiency assessment report.
Southwark Council has a duty to make sure there's enough childcare in Southwark.
We must publish how we're supporting working parents or parents who are studying or training for work.
Our 2019 report covers:
- the demand for childcare, including data on Southwark’s changing population and projected numbers of children in different parts of the borough
- the supply of childcare, including the number of childcare providers and places
- funded early education, including take-up of free places for 2 to 4-year-olds
- the quality of childcare, including Ofsted inspection outcomes
- early years outcomes for children
Read our childcare sufficiency assessment (2019) report (19 page, PDF).