
What we did

How we developed our priorities and themes by listening to families and maternity care professionals

The Southwark Maternity Commission was set up to review maternity care in Southwark, in particular, the experience of Black, Asian, and minoritized ethnic women.

The Commission consisted of 6 public meetings running from January to September 2024. Each had a different focus and set of priorities.

Meeting 1: An introduction to the Southwark Maternity Commission

Meeting 2: Listening to local workforce voices

Meeting 3: Listening to people who use Southwark maternity care services 

Meeting 4: A focus on inequalities for Black people who have been or are pregnant

Meeting 5: Recommendations based on your view of maternity care 

Meeting 6: Southwark-wide organisational commitments to maternity care changes

Our five themes

The Commission developed 5 themes from the meetings: 

  1. Tackling discrimination and better supporting women with specific needs. 
  2. Making sure women are listened to and supported to speak up, whatever their language or background. 
  3. Providing women with the right information at the right time in the right way. 
  4. Joining up council and NHS services better around women’s needs, and making sure care is consistent across borough borders. 
  5. Supporting the workforce to remain in their roles and be able to give compassionate and kind care for all mothers.