
Cabinet meetings

Find out how to ask questions at cabinet meetings.

Anyone who lives in Southwark can ask a question at council assembly meetings.

You can find out when the next meeting will take place by:

If you wish to ask a question, you can post your question to

[add postal address here] 

You can also email your question to

Write or email no later than three clear working days before the day of the meeting.  

Make sure you include details of:

  • the question you want to ask (no longer than 50 words)
  • the name or position of the councillor to whom you want to pose the question (if you don't know who it is, ask the Constitutional Team for advice)
  • your name and contact details

What happens at the meeting?

You will need to attend the meeting. 

When it is your turn to ask your question, the chair will invite you to come forward. 

Ask  the relevant cabinet member your question.

It is up to the chair whether you can ask any further questions.

There are 15 minutes for public questions. Questions are answered in the order in which they were received.

If your question is not answered in that time, the relevant cabinet member will write to you with an answer.

Rules about questions

The chair can reject a question if:

  • is not about a matter for which the council has responsibility
  • does not affect Southwark
  • is defamatory, frivolous or offensive
  • is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the council assembly in the past six months or three months for executive meetings
  • requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
  • concerns a planning or licensing application
  • raises a grievance for which there are other established processes for resolution
  • relates to an investigation (whether completed or not) by, or ruling of, the standards committee or sub-committee, insofar as those comments relate to the behaviour or conduct of an individual member or members.

The constitutional team keeps a register of questions which is open to the public.

Contact us

For further information on asking questions and the register of questions, please contact the constitutional team by: