Community right to bid
Nominate property that you believe furthers the social interests or social wellbeing of the local community.
What happens next?
After you submit your application, we'll check the eligibility of the nomination.
If the property meets the criteria it will be added to the list of successful nominations.
Assets remain on the list for five years.
We'll assess nominations within eight weeks of receipt.
A land charge will be registered against the property and the Land Charge notified of the restriction.
You'll be advised that the property has been listed and the date in five years' time when it will be removed. When the five years have expired, you can submit a new nomination.
If we decide to list a property, the property owner can ask for a review. The decision to list the property will then be reviewed by an officer or officers of the council who did not take part in making the decision to be reviewed. Further guidance will be provided in the letter to the property owner.
If the nomination is not eligible, we'll let you know, with an explanation. The property will also be added to the list of unsuccessful nominations and stay there for five years.
You cannot appeal against the decision but you can make a complaint if you feel we haven't followed the correct procedure through the council's complaint procedure.