You can apply if you:
- on a low income
- on a benefit, such as Universal Credit
- own or rent your home
- are unemployed or working
- are of working age or are already receiving a pension
We'll need to see documents to support your claim.
If you're on benefits or low income you can apply for the Council Tax Reduction scheme.
You can apply for the Council Tax Reduction scheme if you're on benefits or have a low income.
If eligible, you may not have to pay Council Tax or will get your bill reduced.
You can apply if you:
We'll need to see documents to support your claim.
How much your bill will be reduced by depends on how much your Council Tax is and:
Use the benefits calculator to work out how much your Council Tax bill might be reduced by. The calculator is free to use, and the details you provide are anonymous.
You must continue paying while we decide and cancel your discount if your situation changes.
You must keep copies of your application and supporting documents when:
making a new claim for Council Tax Reduction
changing an existing claim
You need to provide proof of identity and all of the following that apply to you and your partner (if claiming with them).
If you have any other adults living with you, your Council Tax Reduction amount may be reduced. This is a non-dependant deduction and is based on the non-dependant’s income.
The past 2 months’ statements for any money you or your partner have in a bank, building society, Post Office, savings plan, premium bonds, ISAs, shares, stocks, unit trusts, properties.
You can read our Council Tax Reduction Scheme policy or read the shorter version of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme policy.