
How your Council Tax is used by other organisations

How the Greater London Authority, London Pensions Fund Authority and other organisations use Council Tax

How the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority uses Council Tax

Lee Valley Regional Park is a unique leisure, sports and environmental destination for all residents of London, Essex and Hertfordshire. The 26-mile long, 10,000-acre Park, much of it formerly derelict land, is partly funded by a levy on the council tax. 

This year there has been a 2.7% increase in this levy. 

  budget / levy
budget / levy
Authority operating
15.3 15.6
Authority operating income (7.8) (8.0)
Net service
operating costs
7.5 7.6
Financing costs - debt servicing/repayments 2.2 2.1
Financing costs - capital investment 1.3 1.6
Total net expenditure 11.0 11.3
Net use of reserves (0.0) (0.0)
Total Levy (11.0) (11.3)