Use swimming and gym facilities for free in Southwark, get free swimming lessons if you’re a beginner aged 16 or older.
Free swimming lessons
Southwark residents can get free swimming lessons. Beginners' courses last 12 weeks and are available at all our leisure centres.
Get full details about free swimming lessons.
You’ll need to be:
- a non-swimmer
- aged 16 or over
Residents over 60 and those with disabilities are welcome to apply.
Free lessons are available from:
- Camberwell Leisure Centre
- The Castle Centre
- Dulwich Leisure Centre
- Peckham Pulse Leisure Centre
- Seven Islands Leisure Centre
How to book
Everyone who wants a swimming lesson place must register, even if they’re already a member of a Southwark leisure centre.
Find out how to book your free swimming course.
If you need help to fill in an application, ask at your local leisure centre or library.