A4: 20p per side (black and white) or £1.10 per side (colour).
A3: 35p per side (black and white) or £2.30 per side (colour).
From microfilm/microfiche reader: 50p
Find out what we charge for copies, scans, reproducing archive materials in print and online and other services.
These fees may be reduced or waived for local charities, community groups and educational purposes at the manager's discretion.
For details email: archives@southwark.gov.uk.
A4: 20p per side (black and white) or £1.10 per side (colour).
A3: 35p per side (black and white) or £2.30 per side (colour).
From microfilm/microfiche reader: 50p
Per day: £11.60
Up to 5 images: £2.60
From an existing scan: £12.40
For a new scan: £24.20
From an existing scan: £5.60
For a new scan: £11.30
We charge the following per image:
Non-commercial use includes local charities, schools and community organisations
We charge the following per 30 seconds or archive film. The standard licence term is 5 years.
These fees are for the UK only. For world rights, the fee is double the UK fee.
Commercial use includes broadcast, cable, video, satellite and digital.