
Post 16 further education

Find out about colleges, sixth forms and courses in Southwark for young people aged 16 and older.

We support all school leavers who want to take a course in further education.

Our post-16 service can advise you about starting at sixth form, or college and help you find job training.

Southwark's colleges and sixth forms

Find out more about courses in Southwark, including vocational courses and apprenticeships:

Other course providers

Other further education places in Southwark provide training to prepare you for work, including:

Find out more about further education courses and funding on the GOV.UK website(link is external).

Still deciding what to do?

If you’re not sure what you want to do, read our post 16 prospectus (PDF, 2.72 MB) which includes:

  • contact information for sixth forms and colleges
  • education and employment options
  • information about student bursaries (funding)

If you cannot find what you need, contact the sixth form or college directly.

Year 12 and 13 changes

If things change during Year 12 or 13, we’re here to support you.

It’s important to:

Contact us

Get in touch by emailing sends email)

Further education information

If you’re in Year 11 at secondary school, this is a good time to look at our Post 16 Prospectus (PDF, 2.72 MB)

This guide will help you figure out what you want to do and how you want to learn after you finish secondary school.

When you start Year 12 your options include:

  • going to sixth form or college (further education)
  • starting an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • spending 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training


See our Post 16 Prospectus (PDF, 2.72 MB) for more information on entry requirements.

When you apply for college or sixth form, you’ll need:

  • evidence of your qualifications
  • proof of ID, for example, a passport or valid photo identification
  • your National Insurance number 
  • proof of address 

If you’re new to the UK, the college or sixth form can check your qualifications and let you know if you meet the entry requirements. 

If you’re applying for an apprenticeship, you’ll also need to meet certain criteria and the process can take up to three months. Check the college or sixth form website for more information.

If you miss the September start for a course, contact the Post 16 Service as soon as possible.

We’ll do our best to help you find a place at another college, or with a different programme or service.

It’s important you have all of your documents ready to enrol so that you can go to an interview as soon as we find a match.

If you’re in Year 12 or Year 13, you can fill in our post 16 activity survey(link is external). This will point you to advice and guidance to help you explore your options.

This will let us know if you’re interested in education, employment or training. 

We will help you explore your options and find a path that suits you.