
Common Purpose grants

Find out about Common Purpose grants.

Common Purpose is currently closed for applications. We're working on making improvements to the programme.

The funding is for services that support Southwark’s diverse communities in being more resilient, resourceful, happier and healthier, in line with the aims of the Common Purpose Common Cause VCS strategy.

The aims of the Common Purpose programme include:

  • bringing Southwark’s diverse communities together
  • tackling social exclusion 
  • promoting a greener borough

There are currently 28 local not-for-profit organisations being funded up to September 2026.

We provide two types of grants. 

One four-year grant is for Southwark-wide services or local hubs that work in partnership with other voluntary and community groups to support small grassroots groups or emerging communities.

The second is a community engagement grant that lasts for two years. It's aimed at projects that can show how they meet the needs of one or more community and bring different communities together

Grants programmes: conditions and monitoring

All organisations in receipt of grant funding from the council are required to abide by these conditions.

Funding should not be released to an organisation until a signed copy of these conditions has been received: Conditions of grant funding (updated 2019).

You can read our voluntary and community sector guide to Council grants and contracts.