Southwark Pride fund 2024

Appendix 1: copy of application form

Below is a copy of the questions in the application form. Please do not return this version of the form. It is for reference only. You must apply using the link in the 'Apply' section.

Southwark Pride Grants 2024: Closing date Tuesday 30th April

Thank you for your interest in this Grants Fund. This programme supports our LGBTQI+ communities to celebrate Pride in Southwark. You can apply for a grant to create events from Pride Month in June to the end of August. Celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and queer identities, culture, histories and gay rights. Please read the guidance document before completing the application. The guidance document can be found here:

* Required

Organisation details

We will use these details to understand more about your organisation and confirm your eligibility for a grant. Details of eligibility conditions can be found in the guidance document linked above.

1. Organisation name *

2. Type of organisation *

  • Registered charity
  • Charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)
  • Community interest company (CIC)
  • Community benefit society
  • Cooperative
  • Company limited by shares or guarantee
  • Unincorporated association
  • Sole trader
  • Other

3. Organisation street address *

4. Organisation post code *

5. If available, organisation website or social media

Contact details

Please provide  details of a contact person within the organisation

6. Contact name *

  • Please provide a forename and surname

7. Position within the organisation *

8. Email address *

9. Phone number

10. If the main contact is expected to be away, please provide details of a second contact person

Project details

Your application will be assessed on the details you provide here. Please refer to the guidance document for more support on what we are looking for in this assessment.

We encourage refer to the guidance for more support on the permissions and licensing that your event may need.

11. Project title *

12. Event type

  • Community fun day
  • Street party
  • Creative arts performance or exhibition
  • Creative arts workshop or activity
  • Knowledge exchange, lecture or talk
  • Other.

13. When do you propose to hold your event?

Please enter proposed dates in the text box below. This could be a range of dates (eg. 1/07/24 -7/07/2024) or a single date (eg. 12/6/2024). Please note events must take place between 01 June 2024 - 31 August 2024, these dates are inclusive

14. Are you holding your event online or in person? *

  • Online
  • In-person
  • Both

15. If you are holding an in-person event, what is the proposed location address (including postcode)? * If you are holding an online event please enter NA

16. How would you like to submit your event proposal? *

  • Video
  • Written statement

Video submission

Please provide a link to view your video. Your video must answer all the questions:

  • What is your event proposal?
  • What do you hope your event will achieve?
  • What experience does your organisation have delivering events similar to your proposal?

We will assess your application on your answers to these questions. We recommend you refer to the guidance for more information on how your application is assessed.

Videos can be uploaded and shared through a video platform such as YouTube or Vimeo. Videos must be available for public viewing for us to access them. Alternatively, videos can be shared via storage platforms such as Google Drive or WeTransfer. You can share using the 'get a link' options. Each of these platforms will require you to create an account before use.

17. Please enter your link here

Written statement

We will assess your application on your answers to these questions. We recommend you refer to the guidance for more inā€formation on how your application is assessed. We recommend less than 500 words per question, however please note this is guidance only. You can enter up to 4000 characters per text box.

18. Please describe your event proposal and what you hope to achieve

19. What experience does your organisation have with delivering events similar to your proposal?


20. Total cost of the proposed event (£) *

21. Please provide an itemised breakdown of expenditure (£) *

22. How much funding are you requesting from the Southwark Pride Fund (£)? *

23. Will you be using any other sources of funding for your event? *

  • yes
  • no

24. Please provide a breakdown of any other funding, including the amount of money (£) and whether it is confirmed

Bank details

Please provide us with your bank account details. This is so we can process payment if you are awarded a grant.

25. Name on bank account *

26. Account number *

27. Sort code *

Equalities monitoring

The form below ask questions about some of the protected characteristics as defined by the Equalities Act 2010. You do not have to respond to these questions, though it does help us understand who is represented in the senior leadership (the governing board or management committee) of organisations funded by the Council and whether they are representative of our resident communities and the communities they serve. For this programme, the protected characteristics we monitor are:

  • age
  • disability
  • sex
  • gender reassignment
  • race
  • sexuality
  • religion or belief

Please note we do not ask about the protected characteristics of marriage or civil partnership, or pregnancy or maternity as they are not considered relevant to this area. We collect this information for monitoring purposes only and it will not affect the decision to make any grant award.

28. What is the total number of people on your organisation's board or management committee?

Equalities monitoring: age

29. % of board or management committee aged 55 or older

30. % of board or management committee aged 25 or younger

Equalities monitoring: disability

31. % of board or management committee with a disability

Equalities monitoring: sex

32. % of board or management committee who are male

33. % of board or management committee who are female

Equalities monitoring: gender reassignment

34. % of board or management committee whose gender is the same as their sex recorded at birth

Equalities monitoring: race

35. % of board or management committee who identify their ethnic background as White / White British

36. % of board or management committee who identify their ethnic background as Black / Black British

37. % of board or management committee who identify their ethnic background as Asian / Asian British

38. % of board or management committee who identify their ethnic background as Mixed

39. % of board or management committee who identify with a different ethnic background not specified above

Equalities monitoring: sexual orientation

40. % of board or management committee who identify as heterosexual / straight

41. % of board or management committee who identify as gay man or woman / lesbian

42. % of board or management committee who identify as bisexual

43. % of board or management committee who identify their sexual orientation as other

Other information

44. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your organisation or your event proposal?

45. Do you have any other comments?

46. Declaration *

Thank you for your interest in the Southwark Pride Fund. By entering your name below, you confirm that:

  • the information you have given in your application is correct
  • you will inform the relevant Council officer of any changes in your organisation's contact details or circumstances that would affect your grant application and use of any grant awarded
  • you are able to comply with the Council's 'Conditions of Grant Funding' if a grant is awarded

Please read the Council's Conditions of Grant Funding.

Page last updated: 05 August 2024


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