Southwark Pride fund 2024

Appendix 2: example risk assessment

Below is an example of a risk assessment.



Division/Business unit:


Assessment for:

Virtual Activities (including with Young People)

Involves staff delivering live virtual events online

Assessment date:


Assessors name/position/signature:


Review date:


Employee/Trade Union name/position/ signature


Findings communicated to employees/volunteers/sessional staff:

(Copy of method of communication e.g. minutes of meeting, tool box talk etc attached to risk assessment).

How Communicated: Email to all participants

When communicated:



Who is at risk

What is done now

Risk level

What needs to be done

Target date

Revealing Names


Setting by host at the outset of the meeting prevents the audience names appearing on screen.


Monitor and maintain


Face to Face Visibility


Setting by host at the outset of the meeting prevents audience face-to-face visibility.

The audience will be able to see the host.


Monitor and maintain


Non Encrypted Data

Staff and  Public

Zoom Cloud content is encrypted by Zoom technicians.

Sessions set up for no recording


Monitor and maintain


Insecure Meetings


Zoom bombing

Staff and Public

Settings by host as follows:

The sessions are private and requires a password or private link to enter.

ID or Password are not shared on social media.

Switch off the ability for people to attend the session before the host.

Activate ‘waiting room’ feature and allow only those invited into the session.

The meeting is locked once those invited attend or after 10 minutes.

Do a role call by checking off from list to ensue all those invited are present.

Screen sharing is controlled by the media host.

Mute participants on entry

Private chat Off

Allow removed participants to re-join off

Removed participants can join future meetings if correctly booked

Meeting rules are the same as in physical meetings and are explained at the start of each meeting

Only those booked onto the session and pre-registered with the youth service will be allowed to attend.


Monitor and maintain


Unsupervised Children


Host ensures those attending the meeting are invitees only.

Host rejects names that are not on the official list to attend.


Monitor and maintain

Personal Email


Register on Zoom with staff email only.


Monitor and Maintain

Unplanned Scheduling of live broadcast.

Staff and Public

Young people’s event Zoom hosts are Youth services staff.

Youth service to work with Comms regarding scheduling. 

Only trained staff to set up Zoom meetings               


Monitor and maintain



GDPR message is sent to each participant


Monitor and maintain



Page last updated: 05 August 2024


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