Report a hate crime

To report an emergency hate crime call 999. For non-emergency related incident call 101 or visit the Metropolitan Police website for more information.

Southwark Stands Together

Get election ready

Don't forget - if you are voting at your polling station on Thursday 4 July, you’ll need to bring valid photo ID. 
Check your ID now.
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark.

Southwark Stands Together pledges

We have developed five anti-racist pledges in our commitment to becoming an anti-racist organisation:

Southwark Stands Together logo
  1. We pledge to promote an open and transparent culture where employees who experience/see racism or discrimination are able to raise it and expect the issue to be dealt with swiftly and fairly.
  2. We pledge to listen to and amplify our diverse voices within our organisations on how we create an inclusive, fair and representative workplace at all levels.
  3. We pledge to work to address and prevent structural racial inequalities and structural racism within our organisation, to organisations we partner with and within the service we deliver.
  4. We pledge to champion organisations that address racial injustices and organisations that promote equality and diversity.
  5. We pledge to ensure that people of all backgrounds can rise to the top of the organisation.

If you are a business, organisation, group or you live in Southwark, you can join us by signing up and acting on the pledges by emailing

Page last updated: 25 May 2021


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