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Culture Weekend 24 (Burgess Park)

Event management

Event licence

All aspects of this event have to comply with the council’s Outdoor Events Policy and the terms and conditions of site hire.

Event Environmental Sustainability

This event must be compliant with the council’s Events Environmental Sustainability Guide. Please refer to the council’s Outdoor Events Policy for conditions relevant to the environment and sustainability.

Traffic and transport

All event attendees will be encouraged to use public transport, walk, cycle, skate etc. to the event. A limited number of parking spaces will be available for event attendees (including Blue Badge holders) near the old bathhouse.

A parking compound will be made available for event staff, artists and stall holders – this will be located within the event perimeter and on cobbled path. All vehicle movement within the park will be restricted to a maximum of 5 miles per hour and managed by stewards wearing high visibility vests. All vehicles driving into and out of the park will be kept to designated, controlled routes.

Please refer to Premise Licence 878981 for conditions relevant to traffic and transport management.

Our Outdoor Events Policy lists conditions relevant to traffic and transport management.


All waste will be collected by event staff and disposed of appropriately. Recycling bags will be placed next to general waste bins. Catering providers will be encouraged to provide products in in biodegradable serve ware. Caterers will be required to dispose of waste water and cooking oil appropriately. Reusable cups will be issued to event attendees.

Please refer to Premise Licence 878981 and our Outdoor Events Policy for conditions relevant to waste management.


Toilet units will be delivered the day before opening and collected the day after the event has finished. Sanitation facilities will be provided for event attendees, staff and contractors. There will be disabled facilities plus separate sanitation unit for caterers. All toilets will have hand sanitation liquid available for use near the cubicles.
Hot and cold water will be available for caterers. All toilets will be clearly signposted. Health and Safety Executive guidelines have been used to estimate the number of toilets required.

Please refer to Premise Licence 878981 and our Outdoor Events Policy for conditions relevant to the provision of toilets.


A Noise Management Plan will be agreed by the council’s Environmental Health Team in advance of the event taking place. Noise levels will be monitored by a noise consultant on live event days.

Please refer to Premise Licence 878981 and our Outdoor Events Policy for conditions relevant to noise management.

Safety and security

This event has taken place in Burgess Park in 2022 and 2023 with no significant safety or security issues reported. This is a community-focused event and the audience demographic is family and intergenerational. The expectation for antisocial behaviour or criminal activity is low.

The event operator will produce an Event Safety Management Plan, which needs to be approved by Southwark’s Safety Advisory Group (including the Met Police) in advance of the event taking place.

An experienced SIA-accredited company has been contracted to manage audience and public safety inside and outside (where applicable) the event space. The Metropolitan Police will have a community engagement presence at this event.

Please refer to Premise Licence 878981 and our Outdoor Events Policy for conditions relevant to safety and security management.

Page last updated: 18 April 2024


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