
Subletting your home

Check if you're allowed to sublet your home. What you need to do if you're allowed to sublet. Check your responsibilities as a landlord.

Short term lets

We're aware that a growing number of owners of ex-council homes are being let out on a short term basis through online platforms.

For leaseholders, your lease places conditions on the use and occupation of your property. 

Short term letting is considered a breach of your lease which states: 

  • not to use or suffer the flat to be used for any purpose other than as a private dwelling house
  • not to do or permit or suffer to be done any act or thing which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the council or to the lessees' owners or occupiers of adjoining or neighbouring property 

Short term lets (in the wrong hands) can cause noise nuisance, over-occupation and damage to communal areas.

Southwark Council will not approve short term lets and can take legal action.

Council freeholders should check the terms of their freehold transfer to see if short term lets are allowed.

You should take independent legal advice if you're not sure of your rights.

Long term lets

The council’s lease does not stop leaseholders from sub-letting on a long term basis. 

Although you do not need our permission you must tell us:

  • your new contact details so we can contact you in emergencies and send important service charge information
  • if your property is empty for longer than 60 days as it may affect the building insurance cover

Find out more about your responsibilities as a landlord.


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