
Your account

Join MySouthwark to view your service charge online. Authorise someone else to discuss your account. Check for missing payments and refunds.

Get in touch:


If you've been overpaying or have a credit on your final account you can request a refund or transfer if:

  • the credit balance is more than £100
  • your service charge account is up to date with no outstanding invoices or balance
  • you've kept all agreed payment plans up to date at the time you make your request

We'll need details and proof of any payments.

Your lease states that you are not automatically entitled to a refund.

We would usually use any credits you have to pay any outstanding invoices on your service charge account.

We pay refunds by Bacs transfer. It can take at least 21 days to reach your bank account. 

View your account online

Get a MySouthwark online account in 5 simple steps. It only takes about 3 minutes to join! 

You'll be able to:

  • check your balance 

  • view past invoices

  • get cost breakdowns

  • see payments

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Payment allocation rules

Our service charge account is an invoice-based accounting system.

You’ll receive individual invoices each year for your service charges, showing estimated and actual costs.

When making a payment, always use the invoice number as your payment reference. This ensures your payment goes to the right invoice.

If you don’t use the correct invoice number, your payment could be misplaced or applied to the wrong invoice. This could happen in the following ways:

Payments without the correct invoice number but with the correct account information

If you pay without the correct invoice number but include your account details, the payment may still reach your service charge account. However, it might not go to the invoice you intended.

We follow set rules when allocating payments. Your payment will go to the oldest unpaid invoice of the same type (such as revenues) first, before being applied to other outstanding balances (like major works).

Payments greater than the balance on the invoice  

If you pay more than the amount due on the invoice, the extra money will go toward the next unpaid invoice in the same category. If no more invoices in that category are due, it will be applied to other outstanding invoices on your account, following our payment rule above.

Payments using an incorrect reference  

If you use the wrong payment reference and we can’t find your account, your payment may go into a holding account called a suspense account. To track the missing payment down, we would need proof of payment from you.