
Leaseholders' Association of Southwark 2000

LAS2000 promotes the interests of owners of ex-local authority homes by holding Southwark Council to account.

The LAS2000 is an independent, non-political, voluntary organisation.

Its made up of leaseholders and owners of ex-local authority homes in Southwark.

The group promotes the interests of its members by holding Southwark Council to account. 

It makes sure the council delivers on its aims to:

  • be open, honest and accountable
  • not spend money as if it were from its own pocket
  • treat residents as if they were valued members of its own family

They provide free information, initial advice and guidance to its members about a range of issues, including:

  • how to challenge costly and unnecessary service charges and bills for major works
  • how to challenge the quality of the work that is undertaken
  • understanding the terms of leases

They also:

  • scrutinise proposed legislation 
  • review cases from leaseholder tribunals

Because they're independent they can:

  • lobby on their members’ behalf
  • challenge Southwark Council’s decisions
  • take legal action if necessary

Get in touch:

Find the group on Facebook @Las2000 or Twitter @LASouthwark.