
Track or complain about a repair

Check the progress of a repair to your home or your block. Report a missed appointment or a problem with the repair.

Check the progress of a repair raised to your home or your block in your MySouthwark account.

You'll see the:

  • repair description
  • reference number
  • date it was ordered
  • contractor working on the repair
  • appointment date and time

Problem with your repair?

If you need more information or have a problem with your repair contact the contractor directly.

You can do this from your MySouthwark account under 'query a repair'.

If this this does not solve the problem email

Our phone service is for emergencies only or for those who cannot get online. 

Call 020 7525 2600.

Missed appointments

If you miss an appointment for a repair or an inspection we may charge you to compensate our contractor.

You may get compensation if we miss an appointment for a repair or an inspection.

You're entitled to compensation if all of these apply:

  • the repair had an appointment booked (not an emergency repair)
  • the repair was for your home and not a communal repair
  • you were home for the entire appointment slot and the contractor did not attend during that time
  • there was no good reason for us missing the appointment
  • we did not notify you before the appointment was cancelled or rearranged


Report a missed appointment