
Let your property through us

Find out about our letting schemes that offer guaranteed rent and incentive payments with no fees.

If you’re a local landlord with 1 or more properties and are looking to let, we would like to work with you.

We offer schemes to let your property that include benefits like:

  • guaranteed rent and incentive payments
  • no fees (unlike lettings agencies)

You may be able to apply for empty homes funding help if your property:

  • has been empty for a long time
  • requires refurbishment works to bring it back into use

Since 2011 we’ve helped over 500 landlords let their properties.

We deal with lettings agencies, landlords and portfolio landlords.

Social lettings agency

If you would like a long term, guaranteed income without the hassle of property management our social lettings agency may interest you.

We offer you:

  • a guaranteed rent paid directly to your bank account even if the property is empty
  • regular visits to the property to ensure the tenant is looking after it
  • a lease up to 5 years
  • full management of all tenant issues, including day to day repairs if the tenant causes damage
  • guaranteed vacant possession at the end of the lease
  • no fees or charges for our service

Finders fee scheme

The finders fee scheme is a free tenant finding service. 

We offer you a:

  • cash incentive
  • chance to choose the tenant that suits you
  • fast service - if you're ready to let we can send tenants to you on the same day
  • no fees or charges service

Self-help scheme

The self-help scheme is for residents threatened with homelessness.

The tenant finds a landlord with suitable accommodation.

We offer the landlord a:

  • cash incentive
  • no fees or charges service

Find out the full terms and conditions (PDF, 162kb).