Tustin Estate
Information and news about the Tustin Estate located on Old Kent Road.
In 2021, residents took part in a ballot to help us decide the future of the Tustin Estate.
The most popular option was to demolish and rebuild the low-rise homes on the Tustin Estate.
These homes are being replaced with new council homes and key worker housing, homes for returning leaseholders and homes for market rent.
You can find details of our commitments to residents in the Tustin Landlord Offer document.
You can also read the Tustin Estate Residents' Manifesto.
Summary of the Tustin Estate renewal
Plans to renew the estate use a resident-first approach.
The Tustin Estate redevelopment will include 355 council homes for social rent, 98 key worker homes, 17 homes for returning leaseholders, and 220 homes for market rent to help pay for the development. This makes a total of 690 homes, built over 10+ years in 4 phases.
The redevelopment will deliver:
- 690 new-build homes
- dedicated housing for residents aged over 55
- re-provision of approximately 200 existing council homes
- the refurbishment of some council-owned houses in the Manor Grove area
- a new building for the existing Pilgrim’s Way primary school
- new ground-floor commercial space
- a new upgraded park and extensive landscaping
What will not be changed:
- some of the terraced houses to the north in the Manor Grove area will be refurbished as part of the project
- the 3 towers to the south-east of the estate, which have recently undergone refurbishment works as part of a separate scheme
Tustin Resident Project Group
The Tustin Resident Project Group (RPG) is made up of residents from the Tustin Estate who work with the council to help deliver the Tustin Estate Renewal.
The Resident Project Group works with us to monitor and consult on the Tustin Estate Low Rise Programme. It is supported by Jen Pepper and Murselin Islam, the Independent Tenant and Homeowners Advisors from Open Communities.
The RPG meets on the second Thursday of every month in the evening. If you want to be involved, email jen.pepper@opencommunities.org or Murselin.islam@opencommunities.org or call Open Communities on freephone 0800 073 1051.
You can contact us if you would like to receive copies of the minutes from Tustin Estate Low Rise RPG meetings by:
- emailing tustin@southwark.gov.uk
Tustin Estate newsletter
Our monthly newsletter shares information with residents, businesses and Pilgrims’ Way Primary School.
If you'd like to be sent newsletters by email, or receive a copy of previous newsletters, you can contact us by:
- emailing tustin@southwark.gov.uk
Upcoming events
Residents can find out more about the plans for the Tustin Estate by coming to our drop-in sessions.
These are held on the fourth Thursday of the month, from 3pm to 7pm at the TCA Residents Hall, Windermere Point, London, SE15 1DY.
Contact us
You can contact the Tustin team or the Independent tenant and homeowner advisor by email or phone.
For all rehousing queries, contact the Southwark officers project team by:
- emailing tustin@southwark.gov.uk
- calling 020 7732 2886
Contact Open Communities, the independent tenant and leaseholder advisor, by:
- emailing jen.pepper@opencommunities.org or Murselin.islam@opencommunities.org
- freephone 0800 073 1051