

Learn about our cemeteries, opening and closing hours and guidance for visitors.


Guidance for cemetery visitors

You must:

  • stay on the paths and not on lawns unless attending to a grave
  • not enter into wooded areas
  • keep all dogs on leads
  • not have picnics, BBQs, alcohol and parties
  • create any disturbance or commit any nuisance
  • not interfere with a burial taking place
  • not interfere with any memorial or memorabilia placed on a grave
  • play any game or sporting activity on a grave

Our cemeteries are places of reflection, remembrance and final resting. All behaviour or activities within our cemeteries must be respectful.

We will not tolerate abuse of our staff.

Some of our cemeteries have conservation areas. They may be hard to access and have unforeseen dangers. If you want to find a grave or explore in these areas, we may need to carry out a risk assessment. In some cases we may be able to create a path for access. We charge a fee for this service.

If you can't visit or it's unsafe for you to access, we offer a digital service. It includes a printed or emailed photograph of the specific location for a fee. Email for more information.