Submit Your Event

Submit your Event

Thank you for sharing your event with us!

The details you add here will be shared with the public on the Southwark Presents What’s On Diary.

There are five stages to this form. You can review all your information at the end before submitting it.

All fields marked with * are required.

Contact details in the ‘About you’ section are not shared on the website.
Contact details in the ‘About the event’ section are shared on the website.

General information


Important permissions


Location Please provide the address where the event will take place

You can select one geo.

Booking information

Ticket price

Ticket price
Ticket price
Ticket price

Social media

URL must start with https:// e.g.’

Other information

Getting there

You have of 200 characters remaining.


Event accessibility features
Select any accessibility features the venue provides.

Dates and times


Starts on

Ends on

after occurrences

End before this date

No occurrences can begin after this date.
Describe the frequency / schedule of the event: eg. "First Sunday of the month" or "Weekly on Thursdays and Fridays"
Enter the number of times this event occurs
Image files should be a minimum of 1200 pixels wide, in jpg or png image format and a maximum size of 10MB. You must have permission to publish the image online from the creator and any shown people in it. Do not use images of text as these are not accessible to people using assistive technology. If there is text, make sure it’s also included in your event description.

You can select one media item.