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Meet the school that went fizz free in February

28 February 2018

Cobourg Primary School in Camberwell took up Southwark Council’s Fizz Free February challenge.

Throughout February Southwark Council encouraged residents to go fizz free and ditch fizzy drinks for 28 days.

At Cobourg Primary School, they threw down the fizz free gauntlet to their pupils.

The school held a special assembly for Key Stage One children to promote Fizz Free February. As part of the assembly pupils looked at how many sugar lumps are in a can of fizzy drink. Children also discussed the benefits of cutting out fizzy drinks.

As part of Fizz Free February, Cobourg pupils were encouraged to think about what they could drink instead of fizzy drinks.

Alongside this, members of the school council also put up Fizz Free February posters around the school and in classrooms.

Although all residents can benefit from quitting sugary drinks, the effect of a high sugar diet can be especially damaging to children.

A survey of Southwark primary and secondary school pupils found that almost one third of them reported having sweets or non-diet fizzy drinks on most days.

Approximately one-in-five 5 year-olds in Southwark has tooth decay. Southwark has the 2nd highest rate of hospital admissions for tooth extractions in children under 19.

One of the children who participated in Fizz Free February at Cobourg Primary School said: “I stayed away from fizzy drinks because of this challenge. I drank alternatives like water and juice. I know it's healthy not to drink fizzy drinks. Some people like fizzy drinks but I think they have too much sugar”.

Following a visit to the school, Cllr Maisie Anderson, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Social Regeneration said: “It is fantastic to see that the Cobourg school community have taken up our challenge and have gone fizz free! The children have really embraced it and are very enthusiastic over the progress they have made during February. Encouraging children to think about what they eat and drink is so important as they become young adults.”

Karen McBride, Headteacher of Cobourg Primary School, said: “As soon as I heard about Fizz Free February I knew our school should take part. Children at Cobourg learn throughout the school year about healthy and active lifestyles.  The children enjoy a challenge and we decided to raise awareness for the event over February. Healthy eating is an essential part of school life and we aim to encourage our children to make healthy choices."

Page last updated: 28 February 2018

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