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Southwark Council approves plans to acquire Champion Hill site including Dulwich Hamlet grounds

14 March 2018

Southwark Council’s Cabinet has approved plans to acquire the site at Champion Hill in East Dulwich where non-league football team Dulwich Hamlet have traditionally played their home games.

The council plans to build council homes on land adjoining the stadium whilst at the same time securing the future of the club which has been evicted by the current owners. Following the eviction the club is temporarily playing at competitors Tooting and Mitcham United’s ground, 8 miles from Dulwich.

Cllr Peter John, Leader of Southwark Council, said: “This decision is about delivering much-needed housing in Southwark and it is also about securing the future of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club which we all feel passionate about. The club is hugely important to the local community, with thousands coming out in support every week, and that is why the council wants to make sure that they can return to their rightful home, where they have played for the last 125 years.”

Thomas Cullen, DHFC spokesperson, said: “We couldn’t ask for more from Southwark Council. It’s been an incredibly difficult time for the club and our fans, and to have the support of the council gives us some hope things can be resolved.”

The decision approves the acquisition of land at the Champion Hill stadium site, Edgar Kail Way for housing delivery, and safeguards the football ground for continued use by Dulwich Hamlet Football Club. The cabinet authorised the council’s Director of Regeneration to enter into negotiations to purchase the site.

Page last updated: 14 March 2018

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