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Sokari’s six statues looking for new home in Southwark

17 April 2019

Visitors to Southwark Council’s building may have noticed six life sized figures on exhibit in its foyer during the last few weeks.

Sokari Douglas Camp’s sculptures have been on temporary display, before they are found a more permanent home within the borough.

Each of the life sized figures represents successive stages of the slavery saga, something very close to the Sokari’s heart having been born and bred in West Africa, a location closely associated with the slave trade.

She commented: “As a resident of this borough, I feel very strongly that the memory of a life lived, should not be forgotten.  BAME experience is important within London, and particularly in Southwark where I have lived for the last 30 years. I would like to thank Southwark Council and particularly my friend Cllr Dora Dixon-Fyle for encouraging me to display them here in the first place.  I now hope I can find a permanent home for the sculptures, preferably within the borough.”

Councillor Rebecca Lury, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Equalities and Communities at Southwark Council said she was really pleased with the reaction from both visitors and staff while on exhibition. She said: “The siting of a public sculpture, commemorating the abolition of slavery and depicting both female and male figures was a bold and positive endorsement of Southwark’s vibrant and culturally diverse community. We have loved having them in our foyer and hope that in their new home, they will be equally well received.”

Page last updated: 17 April 2019

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