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New community welcomed with special ‘street party’ celebrations at new council homes

25 July 2019

New neighbours have been getting to know each other at a special welcoming event at the new council homes on Sumner Road.

A ‘street party’ was held on Friday 19 July at the new blocks with around 60 of the new residents and their families coming down to the landscaped communal area.

Tenants have been moving into the 70 new council homes since the spring, with several of them moving in from cramped or over-crowded conditions like new resident Claire Fearom.

She said: “I was living round the corner in a one-bed. Me and my partner have four kids, so it was too small. We moved to Sumer Road in May, into a three-bed, and I’m so happy, so over the moon.

“There’s loads of space for me and my children. It means everything. I feel complete, I don’t need to worry, and I know my kids are going to grow up here and they’re very happy.

The event also included an official opening ceremony with Deputy Mayor Cllr Barrie Hargrove cutting the ribbon to welcome tenants to the new homes. He was joined by other councillors including the Cabinet Member for New Homes, Cllr Leo Pollak.

Cllr Pollak said: “Southwark has the largest council house building programme in London and we have already delivered over 600 new council homes in the last six years.

“But we are doing more than just building homes, we want to help new communities develop and get to know their new neighbours and friends, which is why we’ve been organising these welcome events. For new residents to meet and share their stories and experiences we can help our new communities get off to the right start.”

Stuart Gibbons, managing director for Lovell London said “It was heart-warming for our team to see so many happy residents and hear their stories. Lovell aims to change lives and create opportunities, and this event certainly demonstrates that we have succeeded in doing so here at Sumner Road.”

Page last updated: 25 July 2019

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