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Burgess Park West hosts celebratory party in the sunshine after £3.6m refurb

25 June 2019

Southwark residents enjoyed a ‘Celebration’ of the newly refurbished Burgess Park West over the weekend (Saturday 22 June).

A programme of family-based activities and entertainment were specially put on by the Council in partnership with the Friends of Burgess Park. The highlights included a bug hunt lead by London Wildlife Trust, a joint drama performance from Theatre Deli and Exquisite Folly Theatre, a community art exhibition from Art in the Park, funded by Culture Seeds London, and a special moth release activity put on by the Butterfly Conservation Trust.

To mark the official opening of the newly refurbished part of the park, Cllr Rebecca Lury, Deputy Leader of Southwark Council and Cllr Barrie Hargrove, Deputy Mayor, cut a ribbon at Rust Square close to where the new woodland play area is cited, near the Bowyer Place entrance to Burgess Park.

Cllr Rebecca Lury, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Equalities and Communities, said at the event: “Here in Southwark, we are extremely fortunate to have all these wonderful green spaces at our disposal.  Last week we celebrated the 150th anniversary of Southwark Park, and this week we have another fantastic milestone here in Burgess Park West.  Altogether, we have spent £3.6million on improving the south western area of Burgess Park, where the new play area is now open.

“We had four public consultations and the improvements are there for all to see which include a bigger nature spot, a new play area and improving Rust Square with its attractive soft landscaping. I would encourage all local residents and their friends to come down to the park themselves to see all the brilliant work carried out.”

The project site covers Rust Square up to the underpass below Wells Way, including the section of New Church which was within the park and the nature area. The £3.6million funding for the project has come from Section 106 planning gains, Transport for London (towards the introduction of Quietways) and council capital funding.

Page last updated: 25 June 2019

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