
Blue Badge

Park closer to your destination with a Blue Badge. Who can get one, how to apply, renew or replace one.

The aim of the scheme is to help people with severe mobility problems caused by visible and non-visible (‘hidden’) disabilities to access goods and services, by allowing them to park close to their destination. 

We only issue a Blue Badge to those who are eligible. It is not for family members, carers or friends. 

The badge can be used on any car the badge holder is driving or is a passenger in.


If any of the following apply you’ll be able to get a Blue Badge. You:

  • are registered blind
  • receive a War Pension Mobility Supplement
  • receive the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance
  • score 8 points or more for 'moving around' for the mobility part of your Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • score 10 points for the ‘planning and following a journey’ part of your PIP (cannot undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress)
  • receive a lump sum from the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme at tariff 1 to 8 and have been assessed by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency as being unable or virtually unable to walk

You may qualify if you:

  • have an enduring and substantial disability that prevents you from walking, or makes walking very difficult
  • drive a motor vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms, and are unable to operate all or some types of parking meters, or would find it very difficult to operate them
  • experience considerable difficulty walking which may include considerable psychological distress (hidden disabilities)
  • are at serious risk of harm when walking or pose a risk of serious harm to others while walking (hidden disabilities)

Children under 3 may qualify if they:

  • always need bulky medical equipment with them which cannot be carried around without great difficulty
  • need to be kept near a vehicle at all times, so they can be treated in the vehicle, or quickly driven to a place where they can be treated like a hospital


Organisations that care for disabled people who meet the eligibility criteria may be entitled to a Blue Badge. This is at our discretion.

For an application form:

Check call charges.


You may be invited to attend an assessment appointment to check you meet Blue Badge legal rules.

Apply for a Blue Badge 

You can apply for a Blue Badge for yourself or for someone else online. 

We now charge for each badge issued, including renewals and replacements for lost or stolen badges.

It costs £10 per badge including for renewals and lost badges. 

You'll need to pay with a credit or debit card. 

Please do not post cheques or postal orders.

Get a Blue Badge

Need help applying?

If you need help with the online form book an appointment with our MySouthwark service point. They can do it for you.