Supplementary planning documents (SPDs)

Section 106 and CIL SPD

On 6 March 2024, Cabinet resolved that the new Section 106 (S106) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be approved for consultation. Due to the pre-election period, the consultation will begin at the end of June for a minimum of twelve weeks.

Our Section 106 and CIL SPD (PDF, 3.1mb), which was adopted in 2015 and amended in November 2020, sets out the council’s approach to both Section 106 legal agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Both of these are tools to secure investment in the borough and around development sites which is designed to offset any impact that a development will have.

We adopted an addendum to the SPD (PDF, 505kb) in January 2017 which sets out our approach to Section 106 and CIL in the Old Kent Road Opportunity Area. You can find out more information about the addendum and view the supporting documents below.

Southwark Council declared a Climate Emergency in March 2019. After this, we adopted another addendum to the SPD (PDF, 3.1mb) which updates the cost of carbon we secure for carbon offsetting financial contributions. These contributions are added to our Carbon Offset Fund. You can find more information about November 2020 Addendum and the supporting documents below.

Find out more about our approach to Section 106 and CIL.

View the supporting documents for the SPD below:

View the supporting documents for the addendum to the SPD below:

View the supporting documents for the November 2020 Addendum to the SPD below:

Page last updated: 18 July 2024


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