Retail, leisure and community development


This Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) summarises retail, leisure and community use planning approvals and completions (measured in gross and net floorspace). The net figures are calculated after deducting the proposed demolition of existing floorspace.

Retail, leisure and community development covers these use classes
Class Uses
Class E Commercial, business and service
E(a) Display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food
E(b) Sale of food and drink for consumption (mostly) on the premises

Provision of financial services, professional services (other than health or medical services), or other appropriate services in a commercial, business or service locality


Indoor sport, recreation or fitness (not involving motorised vehicles or firearms or use as a swimming pool or skating rink)


Provision of medical or health services (except the use of premises attached to the residence of the consultant or practitioner)


Creche, day nursery or day centre (not including a residential use)

Sui Generis uses akin to retail and services

Such as:

  • pubs
  • drinking establishments
  • hot food takeaways
  • salons
Class F

Local community and learning. Including learning and non-residential institutions, local community uses and outdoor sports/recreation.

Flexible uses are recorded by dividing the non-residential floorspace equally into the use classes it was approved.

Use class changes in 2020

The monitoring figures for old use classes have been converted to new use classes to reflect updates to the Use Classes Order. Please note that some planning applications have not specified the sub-class of use classes E(g) and B1 at approval stage. These remain as E(g) in the records for monitoring purposes.

For more information, see:


Page last updated: 13 August 2024


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