
Community stakeholder panel and citizen's jury

In September 2023, we established a community stakeholder panel. This group includes local organisations in the borough that are interested in climate change. It also includes groups that represent local communities. It is a mixture of:

  • charities
  • community organisations
  • campaign groups
  • trade unions
  • faith groups
  • residents’ groups

The panel strengthens our climate work in Southwark. It:

  • creates another way for us and key groups to share views on the climate emergency
  • increases awareness and engagement by sharing ideas, insights and support with us

The panel meets every quarter.

Community stakeholder panel meeting notes

Citizens’ jury

25 people from Southwark learned about our climate emergency. They formed the citizens’ jury and heard from experts, formed opinions and made recommendations to us. 

We divided the jury's 20 recommendations into 93 sub-recommendations, 82 of which are in the updated climate action plan and other council strategies:

  • allocating £7.5 million for climate projects including £1 million for walking improvements
  • funding for a campaign to 'make walking great again'

Track how our plan is progressing.

Read the council’s full response to the jury’s recommendations.