
Action against nuisance pollution

What we can do about nuisance pollution like smoke and ash from garden bonfires, construction dust, and cooking smells from restaurants.

We can investigate and take action against nuisances like smoke, fumes, gases, dust, steam and smells. 

Examples of what we investigate include:

  • smoke and ash from garden bonfires
  • smoking chimneys
  • dust from building and demolition activity
  • cooking smells from restaurants

We cannot deal with complaints about smells from domestic properties.

Who to contact about pollution nuisance

Call  0207 525 5777 to speak to the Noise & Nuisance Team. They can attend to look at short term nuisances if they are in progress.  Complaints about ongoing nuisances will be referred to the Environmental Protection team.

If someone has complained about you

You could get a court notice saying the nuisance should stop. If it does not stop you could be fined:

  •  up to £5,000 for nuisances from domestic properties 

  • up to £20,000 for nuisances from commercial properties