
Report flooding

Report flooding in Southwark. Check who to report the different types of flood to. Call 999 if lives are at risk.

Call 999 if lives are at risk or you need help or rescuing during a flood.


Flooding at home

If no one is in danger call us on 020 7525 5000.

Other emergency contacts:

  • Environment Agency Floodline (24 hour service) 0345 988 1188
  • Environment Agency Floodline Type Talk service (for hearing loss) 0345 602 6340
  • Thames Water 0800 316 9800

Groundwater flooding

Groundwater flooding happens when levels of water in the ground rise above the surface. It often occurs after long periods of heavy rainfall.

It can affect property and structures above and below the ground.

If you suspect groundwater flooding report it to us.

Report flooding

Surface water flooding

Surface water flooding (flash flooding) happens when there's so much rain the ground and sewers cannot drain it away quickly enough. It's usually caused by short heavy rainfall.

There will often be some water on the road or open land after heavy rain. Most roads have highway gullies to capture this water and drain it into the sewer. It becomes surface flooding if water:

  • blocks a road or prevents access to a property or area of land
  • is still there after several hours and is caused by a blocked or damaged roadside gully

If you suspect groundwater flooding report it to us.

Report surface water flooding

We're responsible for clearing roadside gullies

Gullies or drainage systems on private roads or estates are the responsibility of the landowner or private management company. 

Sewer flooding

Thames Water are responsible for sewers.

Sewer flooding can happen if the sewer is blocked or collapsed or the flow or amount of water overwhelms the sewer.

If you think a sewer is blocked report it to Thames Water.

If the flooding is coming out of your sink, toilet or shower, call Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.

Sewer flooding can often be seen as surface water flooding and so it may not be clear where it's coming from. 

In this case, report the flood to us.

Report flooding 

You can complete Thames Water's sewer flooding questionnaire if the flood has cleared. This helps them with long-term work plans.

Leaking or burst water supply pipes

Visit Thames Water’s website: