
Report a tree issue

Report issues with council or private trees. Report damage to a tree or damage caused by a tree. Report oak processionary moths.

What you should do depends on who is responsible for the tree.

Trees managed by us

We look after trees growing on:

  • public roads
  • parks and open spaces
  • housing estates
  • school grounds

Report a tree we manage

Call us on 020 7525 5000 to report a dangerous tree or branch.

You can also report other issues with council-managed trees, such as:

  • diseased or damaged trees
  • overgrown trees
  • tree roots damaging property or footpath

Trees on private land or gardens

Contact the tree owner if you notice an issue with a tree on private property.

If it’s in a council house garden contact the tenant directly. It is their responsibility, not the council’s. 

If your neighbour’s tree is overhanging into your garden, ask them to have it pruned.

If a tree has damaged your property

Contact your insurance company if a tree has damaged your property. They'll look into it and collect and evidence to support a claim.

Trees damaged or destroyed without permission

It’s illegal to work on a tree in a conservation area or with a Tree Protection Order (TPO) without permission.

Report unauthorised works to protected trees to the planning enforcement team.

If you can take photos or provide information of the contractor without putting yourself at risk this will help the planning team.

If you see oak processionary moths

The oak processionary moth is an invasive species. It can be harmful to people and animals.

Learn more and report any sightings directly to the Forestry Commission.